What makes Community Care Connections different from other disability support organizations is our commitment to inclusive practices. Research has demonstrated that the more time people who have disabilities spend with people who do not have disabilities, the more opportunities they both have for the type of interactions that lead to meaningful lives. The benefits of an inclusive approach to providing disability support apply to people regardless of their age. Having a meaningful life may include attending a neighborhood school with same-age peers, having a job, volunteering in the community, developing friendships and, most importantly, acceptance of all people, regardless of their abilities.
Community Care Connections, Inc. (CCC) was founded in 1972, as United Cerebral Palsy of Butler, Beaver, and Lawrence Counties, by a group of parents of young and adult children with developmental disabilities, who sought recreational programs for their children. Currently, CCC provides residential and supported (semi-independent) community living, day programs-including employment support, and community-based opportunities for adults with disabilities. CCC also has some Attendant Care Service Coordination and a Homemaker Chore Program. An early intervention program for birth through age three, an inclusive day camp for school-aged children and an inclusive tech camp for teens with and without disabilities, round out our programming.

Brenda Cole, D.Ed.
Chief Executive Officer